2022 in Review

2022 in Review

This year didn’t have a great start, but it ended fantastically. While we were still taking care of Teri as she finished her chemo and headed into radiation, we decided to slow down, taking off from book signings and events on my end, even though we attended them with Sarah of SEA Creations. It was fun going as a reader, and I might do more of that in the future. We enjoyed mingling and laughing without the pressure of having to keep up with everything else that goes into attending a book event as an author. 

We also slowed down on our releases, only publishing seven Robbie Cox books and two R.C. Wynne books. We did, however, publish a book in the Late to Love Anthology in February, so technically, I guess that would be three R.C. Wynne books. We’re hoping 2023 sees more stories released as we have big plans and a heavy release schedule, including the relaunch of the Warrior of the Way series as The Sword of the Fae and under a new pen name, Morgan Quinn.

Our big accomplishment this year, however, is the opening of the Feel-Good Reads Bookstore online and the rebranding of our social media platforms to match the new direction. That took a lot of effort on the entire team’s part,  and we still have so much more we want to do with it, but so far, the reaction we received has been awesome. We added all kinds of merchandise, including items from SEA Creations, and now you can order eBooks and paperbacks directly from me. Soon, you’ll also be able to get audio books, as well as large print and hardbacks. We’ll also be adding signed paperbacks for those who can’t make it out to our events along with new merch to go along with the books.

So, even though it started out rough, 2022 turned out to be a big step in our journey in the book world, and you have played a major part of that by tagging along, sending notes of encouragement, and even purchasing from the FGR Bookstore. More exciting things are on the way, but I’ll save that for next week’s post.

Until then, happy reading!


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